Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1st - Summer's end!

I suppose September 1st is not summer's end, technically, but for me, it does denote a seasonal mile marker.  We are in the final throes of summer, and it's been a blazing one, here in the Midwest.  Blazing hot days and warm, sultry nights with little or no respite.  We've been yearning for autumn many weeks now, often finding ourselves sitting around and reminiscing of autumns in the past.  Thinking fondly of times where we would wear sweatshirts in the morning, while drinking coffee, and the dew, on the grass outside, would linger.  
Yes, we look forward to those times again, but until then, the AC continues to run, keeping out the warm, humid, late summer air.  But, as the days get shorter, and the heat subsides, we get a little twinkle in our eyes, knowing that fall is near. 

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